Believe me, I've been through it again and again and, 8 years later, yet again.Have Lara perform the following actions while playing the game. Follow this famous female archaeologist on yet another amazing adventure around the world, full of action and excitement and every hour you play will be only a minute in your hear.

Graphically, this game is quite an improvement from the original series, Lara looks better, has much less cuby body structure (and breasts!), and she is equipped with a few new guns, such as the M-16 sniper gun, the automatic gun, and the grenade launcher, yet she is at her best and most comfortable with her famous guns. In this second installment of the epic Tomb Raider series, you follow Lara Croft from China to Venice to the underwater hideaways and lastly to Tibet and again the wall of China to find the dagger of Xian, a very powerful artifact that can give any living human the powers of the dragon. Graphically it's also much cleaner and detailed than the first which will definitely be something that many will appreciate. It's a game that is always expansive and diverse Tomb Raider II: The Dagger of Xian, so, if you love Lara, play this one, it sure is worth it. Then, when you thought it was all over, you have got to resist a totally unexpected assault. Here you might be engulfed in trying to negotiate jumping over a number of intricately put together platforms, later, in that very same level, you might be on to try and solve a classic puzzle. The areas are larger, sometimes they have more than just one mission, and the levels pack more diverse gameplay throughout. What it does, say, different than the first installment is bring about a lot more diversity in the level design. I would argue thought that this is one of the better games in the older series. Some will love the modern games in the series, but some might also appreciate her first few adventures. Everyone will have their favorites in this long lived franchise.